Gastroenterology – Health Information

The stomach and intestine are the most important parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which we pay attention only when they do not function and we have unpleasant sensations.

Possible causes of blood in the stool may be gastrointestinal infections, polyps of the large intestine or hemorrhoids, as well as gastric ulcer or chronic inflammatory disease of the large

Can I travel with cancer? Of course, this always depends on the individual case, on the type of treatment and the condition of the patient. However, in general, go on vacation

Weight loss and malnutrition are not uncommon for patients with cancer. Signal substances and neurotransmitters, which produce

Today one of the oldest methods of cancer treatment belongs to the most innovative areas of oncological medicine – irradiation. Thanks to new technologies

Most radiotherapy does not require a stay in the inpatient department of the Clinic. The patient can spend the night at home and come to the clinic on

Dry mouth is a frequent adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which can lead to damage to the mucous membrane. According to German 

Time, full of anxiety and anxiety – the fight against cancer requires a lot of effort. At the same time, the immune system of a person who has been treated with

Changes of the skin and skin problems are often a side effect of cancer treatment. The reason for this is, first of all cell damage skin sredstvandand chemotherapy. Skin cells,

Professor, Dr. Boris Pfaffenbach is a gastroenterologist. About 9,000 interventions were carried out under the supervision of the chief

For 15 years, Solingen Tumor Center has been providing advice to patients, relatives and interested persons. Cancer is a common disease. However, to date, there

Early diagnostics is aimed at detecting intestinal cancer at the earliest possible stage so that it can be cured. To prevent the development of intestinal
