Official website of the Academic Hospital Solingen

Surgery department medical team


Prof. Dr Peter Schenker - Lead Physician, Surgery, Visceral and Specialised Visceral Surgery.
Dr Kamyar Afsari - Lead Physician, Visceral Surgery.
Dr Sascha Grzella - Leading physician, visceral surgery.
Wakim Chami - Leading physician, general and visceral surgery.
Jurii Krasniuk - Visceral surgery, emergency physician.
Dr Djevat Ademi - Leading physician, general and visceral surgery.
Privat docent, Dr Thomas Galetin - Consultant physician, thoracic surgery.

Leandra Angenendt - Lead physician, visceral surgery and specialised visceral surgery.
Saskia Fiore - Visceral Surgery.
Armend Limani - Visceral Surgery.
Zsuzsanna Szekely - Visceral Surgery.


Gotenstraße 1, 42653 Solingen 
+49 212 547 69 13  l  +49 177 540 42 70  l  +49 173 203 40 66
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